Today Mark and I are traveling to Washington state to visit family and friends (Mark is on business). We lived on Whidbey Island for almost 10 years, so going back is always bittersweet. I really miss my family and my wonderful friends, but the time I've been in Illinois has really settled my spirit.
This photo is the only photo I could find of Whidbey Island. (It is a couple of years old, as can be seen from the sweet little faces.) To get to Whidbey, you take a ferry from the south (Seattle) or cross beautiful Deception Pass Bridge to the north. This is a view looking over the bridge. Whidbey is a very magical place.
We'll spend half of our time on Whidbey; have a quick visit with the girls who are spending the summer with their dad; then I'll have a couple of days in Seattle with my husband and my little nephew Ayden. He's two. I can't wait to see him.
We rarely spent time in Seattle when we lived there, so next week I'm going to hit Pike Place Market, the original Starbucks, and the A Muse shop. I don't know how I will be able to choose from the entire line of A Muse stamps in front of me. I hope Ayden doesn't get me kicked out!
I'll post a few photos (of the A Muse store) and bring back souvenirs (also from the A Muse store). Happy Fourth of July!