Today Mark and I are traveling to Washington state to visit family and friends (Mark is on business). We lived on Whidbey Island for almost 10 years, so going back is always bittersweet. I really miss my family and my wonderful friends, but the time I've been in Illinois has really settled my spirit.
This photo is the only photo I could find of Whidbey Island. (It is a couple of years old, as can be seen from the sweet little faces.) To get to Whidbey, you take a ferry from the south (Seattle) or cross beautiful Deception Pass Bridge to the north. This is a view looking over the bridge. Whidbey is a very magical place.
We'll spend half of our time on Whidbey; have a quick visit with the girls who are spending the summer with their dad; then I'll have a couple of days in Seattle with my husband and my little nephew Ayden. He's two. I can't wait to see him.
We rarely spent time in Seattle when we lived there, so next week I'm going to hit Pike Place Market, the original Starbucks, and the A Muse shop. I don't know how I will be able to choose from the entire line of A Muse stamps in front of me. I hope Ayden doesn't get me kicked out!
I'll post a few photos (of the A Muse store) and bring back souvenirs (also from the A Muse store). Happy Fourth of July!
I miss you friend! I now know how Sarah feels because I've thought "I need to call Priscilla", several times this week.
Whidbey looks lovely. I hope Sarah and I get the chance to travel there with you girls someday. Hope you had fun in Seattle. Can't wait to see the photos of A Muse. :)
Until then, safe travels and a hug~ Patti
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, Priscilla! It's nice to 'meet' you. ;) I checked out your blog a bit and love your artwork style. Your daughter does a beautiful job with her beading too. tfs
Your vacation plans sound really nice. My parents have/had (not sure which) friends who live/lived there on Whidby and they've visited and told me what a beautiful island it is. Hope you enjoy your time there doing all the things you planned and visiting with your girls, family, and friends. We'll be doing all that when we return 'home' to CA at the end of this month.
Have a wonderful time during your visit! Enjoy that lovely looking place!
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