I live by lists and when I saw this adorable list booklet on
Pine's blog I had to make one. (OK, I confess, I've made 6 in two days and there's more to come!) It looks like she received one from Michelle Wooderson, whose
blog I really enjoy. My first one (left) I gave to my friend Becky. She doesn't really understand the paper crafting "thing" but she loves getting presents!
I am going to put these together for end of year teacher gifts, so I made these with little pockets on the inside cover where I can stash Starbucks gift cards for an extra treat!
To get started:
Buy 5"x8" notepads at your local office supply store, and ask them to cut them in half widthwise, which makes 2-1/2"x8" pads. It cost me $1.09 to have the stack of notebooks cut at Office Max, but there's no way a paper cutter would get through an entire pad.
Then you'll need to do a little measuring to get the folder just right; be sure to use a slip of corresponding paper to cover the header of the tablet, otherwise yours will say "eMax" like mine does below...

Just add lots of patterned paper, embellishments and glitter to the cover for fabulous and fun gifts!
Below are five I made last night; one for my sister (center) which I used "
My Friend Ronnie" stamps. It says, "I shopped, and then I didn't. I like shopping better." I really enjoy Ronnie stamps. They are so perfect.
Two are for Macie and Sarah who are having their "Sisters Weekend" beginning tonight. I thought they could use pads to prepare for tomorrow's entrepreneurial adventure (they are hosting a garage sale...yikes!). Then I made two for Savannah and her friend Caroline who are planning an end of the year sleepover (double yikes!). Aren't they adorable? So easy to customize for anyone. Everyone I know will have one of these little darlings in their purse before the summer is over!